Muslims enraged over al-Qaeda video at 9/11 Museum; Museum removes mention of “Islamic terrorism” from its website

By: American Decency Staff

Here is yet another attempt to rewrite history and pretend that the 9/11 hijackers were not Islamic jihadists who were inspired by Islamic texts and teachings. “The screening of this film in its present state would greatly offend our local Muslim believers as well as any foreign Muslim visitor to the museum,” wrote Sheikh Mostafa Elazabawy. “Unsophisticated visitors who do not understand the difference between Al Qaeda and Muslims may come away with a prejudiced view of Islam, leading to antagonism and even confrontation toward Muslim believers near the site.” The sinister “moderate” professor Akbar Ahmed adds: “The terrorists need to be condemned and remembered for what they did. But when you associate their religion with what they did, then you are automatically including, by association, one and a half billion people who had nothing to do with these actions and who ultimately the U.S. would not want to unnecessarily alienate.” But this is a sleight-of-hand. It is not the 9/11 Museum that is associating their religion with what they did. It was the 9/11 hijackers themselves who associated their religion with what they did. Elazabawy and Ahmed want the Museum to ignore and whitewash that fact, and no doubt it will comply: it has already begun to do so by removing mention of “Islamic terrorism” from its website.

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